ICU掲示板 国際基督教大学入試掲示板

■7894 / 親記事)  質問があるのですが。。
coco 2008/02/21(Thu) 19:46:36 ID: 3srm4Vj9






    アドバイスをおねがいします (。・_・。)

■7895 / ResNo.1)  Re[1]: 質問があるのですが。。
10 NS 2008/02/21(Thu) 20:55:27 ID: +A76puBR



    essayやreaction paperなども書きますが、こちらはレポートの期限が1週間ほどありますので、計画的にこなせば問題ないはずです。



■7897 / ResNo.2)  Re[2]: 質問があるのですが。。
coco 2008/02/22(Fri) 08:24:13 ID: 3srm4Vj9




■7907 / ResNo.3)  Re[3]: 質問があるのですが。。
AL 2008/02/24(Sun) 19:44:45 ID: 4+JAUC74


■7914 / ResNo.4)  Some advices for all students who take ELP class
10 NS 2008/02/25(Mon) 22:06:53 ID: XuYEF+36

    Capability needed by ELP class can roughly divide into 3 mainpoints...

    1. CRITICISM based on LOGIC DEPLOYMENT based on EXAMPLE with basis filled to DISCERNMENT, or PERSUASIVE Power

    2. CLEAR and EFFECTIVE COMPOSITION essay, report, presentation

    (Therefore, it is not taken into consideration in grading which position you take to a problem.
    Instead, these are evaluated which supports your opinion well; the basis to show by you is suitable and fits with the contents well.)

    3. Excellent English operation capability
    (ex. variation of vocabulary, usage, and syntax. use of idiom)

    (In addition, these capabilities are also needed in an employment test.)

    You said that command of English is uneasiness for you, therefore I suggest you the most effective thing as a measure; that is, PREPARING the concrete example supporting your opinion, and a basis beforehand about various topics.

    If even these are done, the almost of all lessons of ELP is OK; however since essay, academic reaction paper (ARP) are insufficient with these preparation, therefore I also suggest you some advices below:

    In essay and ARP, after your position is decided and a basis is prepared, smooth and logical deployment is next needed.
    I suggest you the template which I have used in ELP class.

    Introduction (3 or 5 sentences, NOT too be long! If you do, then sentences might be lengthy and tedious!)

    You might start with these sentences in academic reaction paper and essay...

    The argument that (restate the conclusion or opinion of author which you are noticed) omits some important concerns that must be addressed in order to assess the validity of this argument.

    The conclusion of author that (restate the conclusion of author) is based upon assumptions that seem to be unsupported.

    The opinion of author that (restate the opinion of author) is logically weak.

    It is necessary to certainly (that is, you MUST) begin Body in the language showing the composition of a text, for example...

    Primarily, First,(第一に)
    As a matter of fact(実際のところ)
    Most importantly(最も重要なことに)
    In fact(実際に)

    For example(例えば)
    To illustrate(詳しく説明すると)
    For instance(例えば)
    It is because(なぜなら; Do NOT use only the word "because"!)
    As shown((by以下)に示されるように)

    In addition(さらに)
    Another factor to consider(他に考慮すべき要素は)
    Futher support is provided by((by以下)をさらに論拠として)

    Using the previous evidence as a basis, it can further see that(前述した論拠に基づいて、さらに言えることとしては)

    Conclusion (3 or 5 sentences, NOT to be long!)
    All things you have to do is to conclude your opinion; therefore, you can use these words with biginning of the text:

    In summary(要するに)
    In conclusion(結論として)

    With using these techniques, you can write essay and ARP with the template below...

    The first paragraph
    You summarize the author's conclusion briefly and you describe shortly why the basis is unsupported.

    The second paragraph
    You attack the most important assumption of author.

    The third paragraph
    You attack another assumption of author.

    The fourth paragraph
    You summarize your and make mention of the method by which a writer's opinion may be strengthened.
■7915 / ResNo.5)  Re[2]: Some advices for all students who take ELP class
Maria 2008/02/25(Mon) 22:40:08 ID: xhtumTuc
    Excuseme.I have a question,too.
    You wrote "Excellent English operation capability (ex. variation of vocabulary, usage, and syntax. use of idiom)" is capability needed by ELP class.
    Grammar is VERY IMPORTANT in ELP class?

    As you can see from this text,I'm not good at grammar.
    Now,I'm looking forward to starting campus life. At the same time,I'm worry about my English skills especially on grammar.

    Would you advise me about importance of grammar on ELP?

    (This is very CHALLENGING for me!!I haven't written long text like this in English!!)
■7917 / ResNo.6)  Re[3]: Some advices for all students who take ELP class
10 NS 2008/02/25(Mon) 23:13:23 ID: LG2quCMZ

    Indeed I said that excellent English operation capability is one of an important and a key point in ELP class.
    However, it is usual that students who takes a lecture on ELP do not have a long-term studying-abroad experience or overseas life experience since enterance into the ICU, and they lack the capability of listening, writing and grammar.
    Therefore, ELP class does not require such capability for these students suddenly.
    (Of course, ELP requires these capability as a target of the class...)

    In conclusion, you can have no worries about your grammar.
    (In fact, I was also almost same capability of grammer as you at the time of entrance into a school.)

    If you feel that grammar is uneasy, please ask your teacher until you completely understand.
    Advice shall certainly be given for you.

    Please, do your best in ELP class.
    All your around help you when you are in trouble.
■7922 / ResNo.7)  Re[4]: Some advices for all students who take ELP class
Maria 2008/02/26(Tue) 20:23:24 ID: xhtumTuc
    Thank you 10NSさん!!

    Your advise was veeeeeery helpful for me!!
    Maybe ELP is so hard,but I'll try hard to do my best.

    I'd like to thank not only your advise but also this exchange in English!!
    I enjoyed it VERY MUCH!!!! REALLY!

■7924 / ResNo.8)  Re[2]: Some advices for all students who take ELP class
coco 2008/02/28(Thu) 17:26:43 ID: HsGqHzo9
    I'm sorry that an answer is late.

    Surely I will have trouble in ELP class. But I do my best.
    Really thank you very much for advice!!


■7928 / ResNo.9)  Other advices for all ELP students
NS 10 2008/03/03(Mon) 04:33:26 ID: zjoObrfR
    ELP bookの読み方について、いくつかのアドバイスを書いておきましたので、時間をかけて、ゆっくり読み進めて行ってください。

    Love or hate it, there is no escaping way from reading comprehension if you take ELP class.

    Next step, I would like to show you how to read and criticize the passage.

    The trouble is that reading sentences is a rather artificial means of improving your skill; it is also the most time consuming in the ELP class, and for many ELP students the most intimidating.

    Despite what many ELP students seem to believe, ELP do not demand your ability to read and comprehend a passage so thouroughly that you practically memorize or not what you read.

    Nor do ELP demand your ability to relate what you read to outside knowledge and most definitely do not demand your ability to offer a creative or original analysis of what you read.

    The Passage
    Here is the passage (please do not bother trying to read it all now):

    Questions of what and who we are supersede all others in importance. From the very beginning, Darwin's evolutionary theory has been irrevocably intertwined with the contentious matters of the position of humans and even the very definition of humanity. They confound us still.
    And Darwin understood the crux of the problem: "It is not my intention here to descrive the seceral so-called races of men; but I am about to inquire what is the value of the differences between them under a classificatory point of view and how they have originated. That is it: the value of the differences among them - among us.

    (Shipman, Pat. The Evolution of Racism: Human Differences and Abuse of Science. New York. Simon and Schuster, 1994.)

    This is excerpt from ELP book.
    Scintillating, isn't it? You ought to find that reading fot the ELP means reading with different goals and employing different techniques than you do in the course of everyday life.

    How you approach reading the passage is the optimal approach shown as below.

    1. Focus on the Author
    First, you understand of what the author is thinking and doing. Therefore, your focus as you read must always be on the author. Next you draw conclusions about why the passage has been written and how it has been put together. Focusing on authorial intent will help you to better understand the passage in general - why it is organized the way it is and what the purpose of author is in writing it.

    2. Do NOT labor the details
    Details are in the passage ONLY to illustrate what the thinking or doing of author. Therefore, please read over details quickly. Trying to comprehend and assimilate all of the content is a waste of time.

    3. Read the First Third closely
    The first third of passage is far and away the most important; because the topic and scope are revealed here, and so are the purpose, the main idea, and the attitude of author towards the subject.

    4. Note Paragraph Topics and Make a Roadmap
    Paragraph are the fundamental building blocks of the passage. Therefore, as you read, take note of paragraph topics and make a map. Next, you ask yourself:
    What is the purpose of this paragraph?
    What is the basic point?
    How does it fit into the overall structure of the passage?

    *Map is an outline with a digest of paragraphs.

    Then the final step, Critical Thinking.
    If you are people who love to argue are likely to do well in Critical Thinking, so please be in a contentious mood when you criticize assumptions of the author.

    1. Read the sentences carefully
    Critical Thinking will require you to identify the parts of an argument. The key is to read actively and critically. Please get a sense of how strong or weak the argument is.

    2. Try to criticize
    If you have read the sentences critically enough, you will just have a general idea of the answer may say.

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